We have put together a handy FAQ. Haven't found the answers you need? Please get in touch. 

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

We try and ship out all orders within 2 business days of your order being placed. International orders and wholesale orders sometimes take longer, due to the additional paper work we need to fill out for customs and for making additional products for wholesale orders. Once we have taken the orders to the post office, it's up to Australia Post to deliver your order and their delivery times are out of our hands. It's worth remembering that we are in Tasmania and this can effect delivery times by up to a couple of days.


How do you package orders?

When you get your order you may notice that there is not much packaging around the products. That's because we know that it would just be thrown out and end up in landfill. We are trying to do our part to cut down on excessive packaging. We put all our orders in home compostable bags and they break down in just 90 days! Just peel the shipping label off (especially if there is any Australia Post express tape) and pop it in your compost bin. Here at Lynbrae we try to be environmentally conscious as we can, but we are still learning. If you have any ideas on how we can improve on our eco stance, we would love to hear from you!


Are the products all handmade?

No, not all of our products are handmade. Having two other business gives us limited time, so we have outsource some of our products to manufactures.  


Are you looking for any brand ambassadors?

We already have a great team of ambassadors, which you can find on Instagram, but if you are a current customer, have a great social media presence, please feel free to get in contact. We can't promise anything, but do feel free to touch base.


Can I buy your products in store?

You certainly can! We have a list of wholesale stores in the footer menu of our website. Or if you can't buy it in your favourite shop just ask them to contact us (or let us know and we will contact them). 


Are you looking for anymore retailers?

We are always on the lookout to have our products in more stores and would love to hear about your store! Please touch base and we will send you all relevant information.