Privacy Policy

Lynbrae Show Range (hereafter referred to as the “Lynbrae”) is the owner, operator and licensor of the website at (“Website”) and the horse products, including those available on and through the Website (“Lynbrae Products and Services”). The Customer’s rights to use the Website and purchase Lynbrae Products (collectively the “Service”) are set out in these Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) at [] and Lynbrae Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”).

Lynbrae Terms and Conditions and Lynbrae Privacy Policy are collectively referred to as the Agreement (“Agreement”).

Lynbrae provides this Privacy Policy to help the Customer make an informed decision about whether to use or continue using Lynbrae Service. If the Customer does not agree to Lynbrae practices, please do not use the Website or Service.

This Privacy Policy is subject to the Terms and Conditions. The Customer’s use of the Website and the Service and any Personal Data the Customer provides on the Lynbrae Website or Service remains subject to the terms of this Agreement.

Capitalised terms defined in Lynbrae’ Terms and Conditions have the same meaning in this Privacy Policy.

Lynbrae knows how important security and privacy is to the Customer. They are at the heart of Lynbrae and as such Lynbrae strives to make things as safe and clear as possible for everyone involved.

This Privacy Policy sets out how Lynbrae (“Lynbrae Show Range”) treats the privacy of those who use Lynbrae Website and associated services and others with whom Lynbrae interacts.

Please take a moment to read this Privacy Policy so the Customer understands how The Customer’s Personal Data will be used.


Part A: Privacy Policy

  1. Application

This Privacy Policy applies to all Personal Data processed by Lynbrae, including, but not limited to Personal Data and Billing Information submitted by Users through the Service.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies that Lynbrae does not own or control, or to individuals whom Lynbrae does not employ or manage, including any of the third parties to which Lynbrae may disclose Customer information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.


  1. Changes

From time to time Lynbrae will review the Privacy Policy to keep pace with changes in Lynbrae Service and any data protection and privacy laws applicable to the processing of Personal Data that Lynbrae Show Range are committed to comply with, including:

  1. a) the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth, Australia);
    b) the Privacy Act 1993 (New Zealand);
    c) the Personal Data Protection and Electronic Documents Act, SC 2000, c5 (federal, Canada);
    d) the Personal Data Protection Act (Alberta, Canada);
    e) the Personal Data Protection Act (British Columbia, Canada);
    f) all applicable United States federal and state privacy laws, including, but not limited to, the California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA), Early Learning Personal Data Protection Act (ELPIPA);
    g) the General Data Protection Regulation (EU);
    h) the Data Protection Act 2018 (UK);
    i) any other applicable privacy legislation.

(the above collectively referred to as “Data Protection Laws”)

This Privacy Policy is Lynbrae’ most recently updated Privacy Policy. The Customer’s continued use of the Website and Service constitutes The Customer’s agreement to this Privacy Policy and any amendments. Lynbrae encourages the Customer to read the Privacy Policy carefully.


  1. Collection of Personal Data

Lynbrae may collect the following categories of Personal Data in in the following situations:

(a) Personal Data the Customer voluntarily provide to Lynbrae:

This includes Personal Data provided by the Customer directly (whether face-to-face, by telephone, email, online forms, post, through social media or by communicating with Lynbrae in any way), when the Customer makes an enquiry through Lynbrae Website or over the phone or when the Customer enters into a transaction with Lynbrae by purchasing a product the Customer is voluntarily giving Lynbrae the Personal Data that Lynbrae collects.

Categories of Personal Data: The Personal Data Lynbrae may collect includes The Customer’s name, physical address, email address, phone number, billing information and feedback on the Service.

(b) Lynbrae email marketing list: If the Customer elects to sign up to Lynbrae email marketing list, Lynbrae may collect The Customer’s name, email address, and email marketing preferences.

(c) Personal Data Lynbrae collect automatically: When the Customer uses Lynbrae Service or browse Lynbrae Website, Lynbrae may collect information about the Customer’s usage and web browsing. Lynbrae may collect the Personal Data as log files, or through cookies or other tracking technologies (see the “Cookies and tracking” below for more information), store it, and link it to the other Personal Data Lynbrae holds about the Customer.

Categories of Personal Data: The Personal Data Lynbrae may collect includes the Customer’s IP address, the Customer’s operating system, the Customer’s browser ID, time, date, the Customer’s browsing activity, the Customer’s interaction with the Service.

(d) Statistical information: Lynbrae may collect statistical (non-personal) information about the Customer’s use of the Website and the Service to improve the features and overall Customer’s experience. This may include statistical information such as pages accessed on the Website and the Service, search terms, links that are clicked on, Website and Service visit times, browsers and operating systems, IP address, and cookies.

(e) Cookies and tracking: Lynbrae may use various technologies to collect and store information when the Customer uses Lynbrae Service, and this may include using cookies and similar tracking technologies, such as pixels and web beacons. The Customer may control the use of cookies at the individual browser level; however, The Customer’s use of the Website and Service may be affected.

The Website does not currently recognize Do Not Track (DNT) signals sent by Lynbrae Users’ web browsers.


  1. Use Of Personal Data   

Lynbrae process Personal Data for the following purposes:

(a) to respond to enquiries, feedback or complaints received from the Customer;
(b) to perform authorised financial transactions as part of the purchase process;
(c) to provide a personalised service;
(d) to analyse and evaluate Lynbrae Customer’s use of the Website;
(e) to combat and prevent breaches of Lynbrae Terms and Conditions, other Customer agreements, this Privacy Policy and Lynbrae other policies;
(f) for directly marketing to the Customer (including by email, post, other means, or through functionality within the Service) with information about Lynbrae Service;
(g) on an aggregated non-identifiable basis, to:
(i) help Lynbrae understand its market position;
(ii) assist with marketing Lynbrae Service to others, including in respect of any online advertising; and
(iii) deliver a statistical result to help with general Lynbrae announcements;
(h) to protect Lynbrae legal interests and fulfil Lynbrae regulatory obligations (if and to the extent necessary);
(i) in other circumstances, provided Lynbrae comply with applicable Data Protection Laws.


  1. Lawful Basis for Processing 

Performance of a contract: The Customer acknowledges and agree that the processing identified below is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the Personal Data is central.

(a) to manage and deliver the Service; and

(b) to manage any disputes (including disputes over invoices or delivery of Service).

Legitimate interests: In respect of all other processing of Personal Data detailed in this Privacy Policy (including direct marketing activities), such processing is necessary for the purposes of a legitimate interest pursued by Lynbrae, and Lynbrae have assessed that such interests are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the persons to whom the Personal Data relates. The Customer has the right to object to the way Lynbrae process the Customer’s Personal Data where the processing is based on legitimate interests. For more information see “The Customer’s Rights” section below.


  1. Direct marketing

All those with whom Lynbrae interacts have the option to opt-out of receiving direct marketing communications from Lynbrae. If the Customer does not wish to continue to receive direct marketing communications from Lynbrae and/or selected third parties, the Customer should opt-out by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any email communications that Lynbrae might send the Customer.


  1. Retention and deletion of Personal Data

Lynbrae will retain the Customer’s Personal Data for as long as Lynbrae needs to provide the Customer with Lynbrae Service.

Lynbrae takes steps to regularly destroy Personal Data, however Lynbrae may:

(a) in some cases, retain a copy of the Customer’s Personal Data to comply with Lynbrae legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce Lynbrae agreements and to comply with Lynbrae trust and safety obligations. Personal Data retained for this purpose will be archived and stored in a secure manner and will not be accessed unless required for any of these reasons; and

(b) retain Personal Data in an aggregated, de-identified or otherwise anonymous form, such that there is no reliable way of identifying the Customer from the information.


  1. Disclosure of Personal Data

Lynbrae will not sell Personal Data to anyone.

Lynbrae may at its discretion use other third parties to provide essential services on Lynbrae website or for Lynbrae processes. Lynbrae may share the Customer’s details as necessary for the third party to provide that service.

Some of these third parties include, Lynbrae use of Shopify to power Lynbrae online store. More information about how Shopify uses Personal Data can be found here: Lynbrae also use Google Analytics to help Lynbrae understand how Lynbrae customers use the Website. More information about how Google uses Personal Data can be found here: Customers can opt-out of Google Analytics here:

Your Personal Data is used to provide our customers with targeted advertisements or marketing communications. For more information about how targeted advertising works, customers can visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s (“NAI”) educational page at

Customers can opt out of targeted advertising here:

BING – Business/resources/policies/personalized-ads


Additionally, customers can opt out of some of these services by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal at:

Lynbrae limits the information Lynbrae provide to third parties to the information they need to help Lynbrae provide or facilitate the provision of goods and services and associated purposes. Lynbrae deals with third parties that are required to meet the privacy standards required by law in handling the Customer’s Personal Data and use the Customer’s Personal Data only for the purposes that the Business gives it to them.


  1. Security of Personal Data

Personal Data stored in Lynbrae system is protected by electronic and procedural safeguards. Lynbrae takes reasonable precautions to protect Personal Data (and other content) from accidental loss and theft by storing it in secure data centres. Communication between Users and Lynbrae servers is encrypted via industry-standard secure sockets layer (SSL).

In relation to website security, the Website is protected with an SSL Certificate. An SSL certificate serves as a digital “passport” that allows data to be transmitted over secure networks — protecting financial and credit card transactions, signups, web access to mail, sensitive information and intranets. It authenticates and encrypts the data transferred through the Website to the server.

Lynbrae take all reasonable steps to protect Personal Data, including through internal and external security, restricting access to Personal Data to those who have a need to know, maintaining technological products to prevent unauthorised computer access and regularly reviewing Lynbrae technology to maintain security. Lynbrae choose technology partners based on their security and privacy policies and practices.

Given internet transmissions cannot be guaranteed to be entirely secure, the Customer acknowledge and agree that the Customer use the Service at the Customer’s own risk.

In case of a Security incident or any other breach of security safeguards, such as unauthorised disclosure of Personal Data under Lynbrae’ control, Lynbrae will respond in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws.


  1. The Customer’s Rights

The Customer may decline to submit Personal Data through the Website or the Service, in which case Lynbrae may not be able to provide certain services to the Customer. If the Customer do not agree with Lynbrae Privacy Policy or Terms and Conditions, please discontinue use of the Service. The Customer’s continued usage of the Service will signify the Customer’s assent to and acceptance of Lynbrae Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

The Customer has the right to:

(a)        access and correct the Customer’s Personal Data that is held by Lynbrae at any time.

(b)        request the erasure of any or all of the Customer’s Personal Data;

(c)        restrict or object to the processing of any or all of the Customer’s Personal Data; and

(d)        withdraw any consent to processing that the Customer have previously given in respect of any or all of the Customer’s Personal Data.

Please contact Lynbrae (see contact details at the end of this Privacy Policy) with any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, the Customer’s Personal Data, The Customer’s consent, access, correction requirements, or the Customer’s opt-in or opt-out choices.

Please note that where Lynbrae is not, or are no longer, in a position to identify the Customer within the information Lynbrae hold (including because of any de-identification techniques Lynbrae may have employed), then the Customer’s rights as described above shall not apply.

Lynbrae will respond to any request made in respect of the above in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Laws.

Lynbrae will respond to any request made in respect of the above without delay, but in any case, within one (1) month of a request, or two (2) months where the requests are complex or numerous (in which case, Lynbrae will inform the Customer of such delay).

If Lynbrae Customer is a European resident, they have the right to access personal information Lynbrae hold about them and to ask that their personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If a customer wishes to exercise this right, contact is to be made through the contact information below.

Additionally, if our customers are European residents Lynbrae notes that the Business are processing their information in order to fulfill contracts Lynbrae might have with them (for example if they make an order through the Site), or otherwise to pursue Lynbrae legitimate business interests listed above. Additionally, their information will be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada and the United States.


Part B: The Customer’s Responsibilities

  1. Uploading and transferring other people’s Personal Data through the Service

By accessing and using the Service to upload and transfer other people’s Personal Data, the Customer agrees that the Customer:

(a) Comply with all Data Protection Laws: will comply with the Customer’s obligations under all applicable Data Protection Laws;

(b) Obtain consent: have obtained (or shall obtain) all consents necessary under Data Protection Laws, for Lynbrae to process the Personal Data through the Service as the Customer direct, and that such consent is obtained from the correct person.

(c) Withdrawn consent or objection to processing: must notify Lynbrae without undue delay if any Customer withdraws their consent, or any part of their consent, or objects to any processing of Personal Data through the Service. This shall include any withdrawal of consent.

(d) Security breach: upon becoming aware of a security incident, or any other breach, or suspected breach, of the Customer’s security safeguards, must notify Lynbrae without undue delay and shall provide timely information relating to the security incident as it becomes known or as is reasonably requested by Lynbrae;

(e) Evaluation of the Service: are responsible for reviewing the information made available by Lynbrae relating to data security and making an independent determination as to whether the Service meet the Customer’s requirements and legal obligations under Data Protection Laws.

(f) Updates to Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy: acknowledge that the Service is subject to technical progress and development and that Lynbrae may update or modify its Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy from time to time, and the Customer agrees to review the latest version of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy from time to time.


  1. Questions and Comments

If the Customer has any questions or comments, or wants to access, update, or delete the Personal Data Lynbrae holds about the Customer, or have a privacy concern please write to Lynbrae at:

Sales Team

Address: PO Box 590, Sorell, TAS, 7172 Australia


Please provide sufficient detail about the information in question to help Lynbrae locate it. Lynbrae will respond to any privacy request in compliance with the applicable Data Protection Law.